Well, it's all about "ME" this post......I retired last April and am just posting about it....can you believe it.....I had so much going on in my life at the time it just wasn't that important to post about...with my Mom's passing last August things are kinda getting back to normal...what ever normal is....
I did want to share the beautiful retirement cake Michelle my co-worker made for me....she also teaches cake decorating and of course I took a few classes from her.....it was so much fun......
I worked for an amazing Airline and had the time of my life everyday......I embrace Retirement and love my life.....but I do have another part...part....part time job just for fun!!!!!

can you see me ?????
last phone call before I get on the bus !!!!!
loved my cake......
my friend Lynnie ......
Amy retired the same day I did....Amy worked with our amazing Pilot's.....Congratulations Amy !!!!!!
All my goodies go home with me.......
another chapter in my live "Now Closed"
Thank You Southwest Airlines!!!!!!
and all My Amazing Wonderful Flight Attendants I will miss you !!!!!!!!
Love and Hugs,
Mo :-)